
Fat granules

"Fat granules" are benign lesions

The reason why "fat granules" are called fat granules is from the saying of "skin nutrition". This view holds that due to the application of skin care products, the skin around the eyes is eutrophicated, resulting in fat accumulation. Therefore, some small white particles often appear on the skin of some women's lower eyelids, that is, "fat particles".

From a medical point of view, it is two benign diseases that occur around the eyes and affect beauty: milia and syringoma. Milia is a benign mass or retention cyst. Milia can develop at any age and gender. However, in general, milia is more common in women, and it occurs on the face, especially around the eyelids, which is milky white or yellow, needles up to the size of a miliary, like millet grains buried in the skin, often multiple, asymptomatic, rash Development is slow and can last for several years.

Syringomas are also benign tumors that tend to occur around the eyes. The skin lesions are needle-to-miliary flat papules, usually 1-3 mm in diameter, soft in texture and skin-colored or light brown. Generally asymptomatic, some patients have mild itching.

Most of the oil particles in the eyes and face are due to some imbalance in the body's endocrine system, resulting in excess oil secretion on the face. If the eye cream used is too oily, or if the eye cream is applied unevenly, it will cause the appearance of fat particles. In addition, if the face cream is used as an eye cream, the face cream is too thick and cannot be absorbed by the eye skin, which will also cause fat accumulation. In addition, the skin is not thoroughly cleaned, which will cause the pores to be blocked and fat particles will soon form.

Needle picking needs to be careful

Although the fat granules are not painful or itchy, once the beauty-conscious women find that the fat granules appear around the eyes, they still want to get rid of them immediately. The current popular practice of picking it out with a needle has certain security risks. If the number of fat granules is large and dense, you should go to the hospital for a diagnosis by a dermatologist, use special drugs, or use scientific tools to remove fat granules.

Among them, milia are benign lesions and generally do not require treatment. However, using a needle to poke the skin on the surface of the pimple and squeezing out the white capsule can indeed achieve the purpose of quickly removing the "fat granules", but it must be locally disinfected with 75% alcohol, otherwise it is easy to cause infection.
