
Neck Lines

What are neck lines?
Neck lines, as the name suggests, are wrinkles on the neck, which are caused by the aging of epidermal cells and the shrinking of connective tissue.

Neck lines are divided into two types: natural and acquired. The natural neck lines are horizontal on the neck and tend to be horizontal to the shoulders. This kind of neck lines is also called primary neck lines, and almost everyone is born with them. It's just that the degree is different, and the primary neck lines will widen and deepen with the changes of time and living habits.

-Causes of neck lines-
In addition to congenital neck lines, the main reasons for the formation of neck lines are as follows:
1. Dry skin: In addition to the skin around the eyes, the skin on the neck is thinner and more sensitive than the skin on the face, and the sebaceous glands secrete less. Naturally, the ability to lock water is not comparable to that of the face, and it is more prone to dryness and wrinkles.
2. Bad posture: In addition, some bad postures in daily life will also exacerbate the generation of wrinkles. For example, "low-headed people" who bow their heads and play with their mobile phones will cause the skin to fold and cause deep wrinkles; Sleeping with the same pillow will put too much pressure on the neck and cause wrinkles.
3. Do not pay attention to sun protection: Photoaging, that is, the ultraviolet rays in sunlight can cause significant damage to the elastic fibers of the dermis, thereby accelerating the aging of the neck skin and causing the appearance of neck lines.
Fourth, the passage of time: After the age of 25, the collagen and elastin at the bottom of our neck skin gradually decrease, which will also lead to relaxation and wrinkles in the neck.
5. Lack of care: or improper care is also one of the reasons why the weak skin on the neck is prone to neck lines.

-Specific symptoms of neck lines-
There are two common types of neck lines:
1: Transverse fracture
It is generally related to the posture of bowing your head. For example, we are all mobile phones now. We play with mobile phones with our heads down for a long time. The office posture is improper and sedentary for a long time. The sleeping pillow is too high. The layers are fractured, forming deeper lines.
2 vertical dry texture
Older people lose too much fat support, or dry lines caused by excessive dryness. This is more related to excessive sun exposure and aging. Too much water loss will cause the skin to form obvious gullies.
